Bullying is something that we have experienced during our early childhood years. However, as we take on our lives as individuals in the corporate world, we may also experience workplace bullying where we are treated unfairly by our boss or our co-workers.
Effects of Workplace Bullying
The main purpose why other people bully is to hide inadequacy. It is an inefficient way of working, resulting in demoralisation, demotivation and most of the time alienation from corporate affairs. Despite the facade that such people put up, bullies have low self-confidence and self-esteem. Most people still tend to associate bullying as something that only happens when we are children, and assume that since we are now adults, we have grown beyond the childish behaviours of manipulating others for our own good. Unlike childhood, the skills of the adult can involve far more manipulative and damaging strategies to the point where psychological and physical health can be affected.
Deal with this situation before it becomes worse. Here are some tips to solve this problem:
Ask for advice from a mentor or colleague who has dealt with this situation before.
If you can, confront the bully in a professional and mild manner, but, only if your physical safety is not threatened.
Do not share your situation with other people just to get them to stay by your side. The way in which you handle the situation will allow them to make their own judgements.
Don’t allow the bully to get on your nerves and make you feel bad about yourself. Always remember your true worth and don’t let their words affect you emotionally.
In spite of this, do your job and do it well. Don’t let it affect you and your performance.
Make sure that your superiors know your work, because bullies may be apt to start spreading negative or untrue words that you are not doing your job to destroy your reputation.
Don’t allow bullies to isolate you from your peers. Always keep an open line with them and tr easure your friendships.
If you follow these guidelines, you will surely get this bully off your back. Bullies in the corporate world are not tolerated as they cause inefficiency in the working pool. They usually destroy the inviting environment for the employees to work harmoniously and successfully together.
Workplace bullying is a problem that has been recognized by many companies and unions to the point where policy and initiatives were made in an effort to stem the serious consequences to productivity and the health of the workforce. This has resulted in more adequate measures for detecting bullying as companies are taking this problem much more seriously than they have before.
Judas Priest – Breaking The Law
If all states that border Mexico to adopt the harsh immigration laws in Arizona?
This is an issue that I have to side with the Republicans, tough immigration law. U.S. has way illegal immigrants and too draining scarce government resources. Enough.
Yes, I'm so liberal as they come, but illegal aliens are destroying our country.