6 Reasons Why People Need a Personal Injury Lawyer

the law

There are many important reasons why people need a personal injury lawyer to represent them. The following are the top 6 reasons injured parties should seek legal representation when pursuing a personal injury case.

1. The most important reason people need a personal injury lawyer is that they aren’t personally or emotionally attached to the case. It can be difficult for those who were injured to detach from the circumstances of their present situation and remain unemotional. This needs to be done because emotions cloud decisions, causing people to make bad decisions. A lawyer provides the wise counsel of an objective third party.

2. Experienced lawyers know all of the statutes and regulations applicable to each case. They also have experience handling multiple types of personal injury cases from auto accidents to wrongful death suits and can look to that experience to make wise decisions.

3. Law firms have much better access to the resources necessary to successfully pursue a personal injury claim. Most firms have their own law libraries, or at the very least access to a shared library, for performing research on case law and statutes. Additionally, they have access to sophisticated accident reconstruction tools, the best expert witnesses and private investigators. All of these can be critical components in proving injury claims.

4. Attorneys have experience handling insurance companies and will fight to ensure any settlement offers are sufficient to cover all resultant expenses, including future ones. Insurance companies are much more likely to offer a fair settlement when they know there’s an attorney who’s willing and eager to go to trial and seek the maximum recovery.

5. Although good legal advice isn’t cheap, it’s not as prohibitively expensive as some people think. Many personal injury lawyers offer free consultations and take cases on a contingency fee basis. This means an injured person can discuss their case with a lawyer for free, to decide if it is worth pursuing. Then if the attorney feels it is a strong case, they will take the case with no up-front expenses for the client to pay. This works because a contingency fee means that the firm gets a percentage, typically around 33%, of any favorable settlement or monies awarded at trial.

6. Hiring a lawyer minimizes the risk of an unfavorable outcome or insufficient recovery. If an injured party attempts to deal with their claim alone, they could easily be misled by an experienced insurance agent into accepting less than deserved, or worse yet, nothing. Attorneys know the tactics insurance companies use and can easily maneuver around them.

Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law

What are we freed of salvation only, instead of saved and destroyed after a good law and bad?

Matthew 6: Our Father, deliver us evil Romans 7 are free from the law

The sin, spiritual death (the loss of loved soul, eternal damnation to hell). Romans 7 refers the law (as in the law of Moses) … the old rules, rituals, and laws that the Jews still follow today. No one was saved under the "law."