Desecration of American Flags - State Laws Regarding Defacement

the law

How familiar are you with the Flag Code? For most citizens, this often means knowing when and how to fly American Flags, no matter the location, and the proper disposing of them. But, more factors regarding the treatment of flags are specified at the state level. This often varies between states, but 48 out of 50 states have laws regarding desecration. What counts as desecration varies between states, with the most strict state laws involving some kind of punishment for talking negatively about an American or state flag. Nevertheless, while memorizing each state law is unreasonable, here are some points to consider in the treatment of American flags.

Out of the 48 states that have laws regarding flag desecration, most of these cover the misuse or desecration of an American or state flag and, in some cases, the Confederate flag. In general, any such action may be the defiling or defacing of a flag – or something resembling a flag, as long as the image is clear enough. Satirizing and speaking contemptuously may also be considered as desecration in some states. But, one point to keep in mind, is intention. Typically, with state laws regarding flags, if the desecration or defacement is committed knowingly and intentionally – and not by accident – then some kind of punishment, penalty, or fine may result.

When considering desecration or defacement, what, exactly, counts as a flag? The most obvious image is any flag in your town or state. From American flags displayed on flagpoles to windowsills and auditoriums, these are the most obvious. However, this isn’t the only type that can be desecrated. In many cases, if an image of the flag is defaced, the action may be interpreted as desecration. From images in photographs, in advertisements, on clothing, and on billboards to smaller, hand-held American flags, treating any of these without respect may be interpreted as desecration of a national symbol.

On a similar level, these same laws may apply to state flags, as well. But, in regards to American flags and images of the flag, be mindful of disposing one and not folding material correctly.

The Clash – I Fought The Law

In the state of MD, which is worse in terms of the law: minors or Drinking a minor in possession of marijuana?

I do not do well but I need to know for a mock trial case, I'm struggling in school. I also need to know in terms of the law for the state of Maryland. Could be under strict punishment for drinking alcohol or being in possession of MJ as a minor? Thank you. -Jake

Possession of marijuana does not take into account the age (and it is illegal for everyone) with the exception that can be tried as a juvenile. Marijuana is considered less serious than other illegal drugs like methamphetamine and heroin, but the maximum penalty allowed by law is 1 year imprisonment and / or a fine of $ 1,000. underage possession or drinking (Same offense under the law MD) is a crime networks an event, not an arrest unless the other circumstances or crimes committed. The maximum fine is $ 500 or $ 1,000 fine for repeat offenders.